Writers Jason Saenz and Sean McConnell Chat Writing Randy Rogers and Wade Bowen’s New Single, “Lady Bug”

wade  bowen randy rogers hold my beer

Wade Bowen and Randy Rogers released their stellar album Hold My Beer: Vol 1, earlier this year, born of their decade-plus long friendship and touring partnership. Their new single, from the project, is “Lady Bug,” written by Jason Saenz and Sean McConnell, features a protagonist wishing for a little luck.

“I think Sean and I wrote “Lady Bug” in less than an hour,” Saenz says. “It was definitely one of those days the song just fell out and we were there to catch it. I threw out the title, we laughed at ourselves, and then Sean playfully sang this super country/nursery rhyme kind of hook, and then we knew we had to chase it.

“We actually wrote the song as if the character was a farmer in the Great Depression,” he continues, “but I think what’s cool and relatable about it is, who hasn’t been there? Having one of those days, where you’re just saying out loud, ‘Come on! Gimme a break.’

It was such a blast to write. We had the opportunity to use a language that’s so quirky and old school, and hopefully we captured that feeling that you’re just one break away from turning it all around.”

“Writing with Jason Saenz is always first and for most fun,” McConnell says. “Writing ‘Lady Bug’ was no exception. We definitely laughed and goofed off a lot more than we actually wrote that day… as we do whenever we get together to write. But that’s the beauty of it. That’s one huge reason Jason and I write so well together. There’s no over thinking. The laughter and the casualness of the day allows your brain to turn off and your creativity to just kind speak without the censorship of your overly critical mind.

When I’m writing with Jason I’m just hanging out with one of my best friends and we more often than not also come away with a great song. If you listen to the voice memo of “Lady Bug” we recorded that day we are just laughing and messing up and then laughing that we’re messing up. It’s so fun to listen to. And that’s the version that got pitched when Wade Bowen and Randy Rogers decided to record it for their Hold My Beer and Watch This record. It’s also the current single of that record. They did an amazing job with it. Both Jason and I are close friends with Randy and Wade so this cut feels like a true family affair.”

“We’re both really lucky to have friends and artists like Randy and Wade, that take chances and record songs like this,” Saenz adds.

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